The process of packing items and moving to the new home
brings with it the excitement about living in a new place and getting adjusted
into the new culture and trends. You may tend to think about packing, moving
and unpacking being enough of the troubles related to moving to the new home.

The matter of fact is that there is so much more that you
are going to have to consider. For instance, you will have to make sure that
the new home is not causing any type of health hazards. The place may be a new
to you but it might have suffered the results of bad decisions made by the
previous owners.
In this article, we are going to discuss about the factors
that cause toxins and the ways to get rid of those toxins.
Chipping paint
A paint coat getting peeled off or chipped is something
quite bigger and worse than just a bad sight. If your new home was built
sometime prior to 1978, there may be the contamination of lead in the paint.
Now, that coating of paint may have got covered by the new paints over the
years. The good condition of new paint is not going to be much problematic in
this regard. But if the paint is chipped, the inner layer is going to be
hazardous for your health.

Lead contamination can cause a number of health issues
- Hypertension
- Amnesia
- Rental impairment
- Damage to cognitive functions in the children
- Damage to reproductive items
While you may find it difficult to know if the paint of your
new home has lead, the best way to deal with it is to get a new coat of fresh
paint or get all of the previous layers of the paint scrapped before applying
the new paint.
Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, tasteless, odorless and
invisible gas which is released in the air whenever fuel is burned. According
to a survey, about 400 Americans die each year due to poisonous ingestion of
this gas.

The symptoms of CO poisoning may include:
- Dizziness
- Headache
- Upset stomach
- General weakness
- Chest pain
- Vomiting
- Confusion
The biggest source of carbon monoxide is the machinery that
we have in our homes. The appliances use oils for lubrication and other
purposes. When this oil is burned, the dangerous gas is produced. Therefore,
the appliances should be serviced every year to protect the environment of the
You need to make sure that you are following each measure to
keep your home toxin free. First, you need to identify the sources of toxin and
then seal or eliminate those sources.